Monday, September 22, 2014

Special requirements for GSA Schedules

Last week we discussed the MOBIS requirements and received a lot of emails requesting more information about other requirements for different schedules. I thought it would be beneficial to just go over a few requirements that are applied to all schedules:
Financials: for every offer a company must submit two years of balance sheets and income statements. You will not be awarded a schedule if you do not complete this requirement. If there are any negatives on your financials, you must explain why.
Invoices: If your company is submitting a Commercial Pricelist you will need to submit invoices for pretty much every line item on that CPL. The invoices must be within 3 years of submitting.
Labor Categories: for every labor category submitted, there must be a description, minimum education requirement, and minimum years experience attached.
Pathways Training Certificate
o   Digital Certificate: every offer that is not a VA offer must have proof of a digital certificate. If you do not have a digital certificate than you will not be able to submit your offer
o   Open Ratings Report
Again, please let us know if you have any questions. We’d be happy to help explain the requirements in more depth because really this blog just scratches the surface.

Feel free to email us at if there is anything else you’d like more clarification on!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

MOBIS Requirements

Within the last 12 months the GSA has become very strict with all Schedule 874 MOBIS offers. The review process can take some time and rejections are unfortunately pretty common. Why is this? How can rejection be avoided? Well, I’m not certain on how it can be completely avoided because every Contracting Officer is different BUT there are some important requirements that must not be overlooked when submitting your MOBIS offer to the GSA.
The GSA will mainly look at financials and past performance. When applying for a MOBIS contract the company must submit two years’ worth of balance sheets and income statements—NO TAX RETURNS. If a company submits tax returns they will be rejected. If there are any negatives on the financials those must be thoroughly explained. The GSA will break down the financials and if there is anything fishy they will find it and ask about it.
The next chunk of red tape for MOBIS is the past performance. A company must submit two statements of work that were conducted within the last two years and include narratives on said projects. This is where it gets tricky. The company must show that they helped solve a problem and did not just refer their client to another industry such as IT, financial work, etc. There can be no mention of another industry in these SOWs because the GSA will say “why don’t you apply for a different schedule since your company focuses on it so much.” If the company is not “within scope” then goodbye MOBIS. This means ABSOLUTELY NO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REFRENECES. This will be an AUTOMATIC rejection and the company will be referred to Schedule 70 (which is usually a faster option anyways).
Obviously, there are a million other reasons that could produce a rejection but it’s important to know if the above requirements are not meant the company should not even waste their time with MOBIS.

If you are unsure whether your company can fall under MOBIS, PLEASE give us a call and we’ll see where your organization can fit. If not MOBIS there are 39 other schedules to look at. 

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