The GSA is continuing to consolidate and streamline the
different acquisition channels available to government purchasers. The major
push in this effort is to consolidate professional services into a single “Professional
Services Schedule” (PSS). The ever increasing number of vendors on the multiple
professional services schedules has led to the movement for consolidation.
The following schedules are in the process of migration:
Consolidated (00CORP)
MOBIS (874)
PES (871)
FABS (520)
AIMS (541)
Environmental (899)
Language (738 II)
Contractors that belong to these schedules and provide
professional services have been receiving letters, requesting they begin the
migration process. Contractors should have received migration notices by the
end of December. The process for migration consists of submitting a
modification against the current contract and providing required documentation,
similar to submitting the original offer. Everything will be reviewed and your
contract will be migrated.
This change will provide easy ways to purchase as well as
easing the burden on contractors with multiple services schedules, which are
all maintained and audited separately. Contract administration resources within
companies will now only have to manage a single contacting vehicle. For the
purpose of reporting sales, conducting Contractor Assistance Visits, and
managing eBuy solicitations, PSS will be a huge change on contract admin
resources for the better.
In terms of providing services, GSA solicitation will be
able to post solicitation against PSS that span more than one professional
service and gain monetary benefit from single responses to multi-discipline
Information Technology and Human Resources contractors need
not worry just yet- SIN 132 51 for IT and 595-21 for HR aren’t being migrated.
Your schedules are staying just the way they are.