Monday, March 17, 2014

GSA Offer Best Practices, Volume 2

If you’re like me, you thrive on organization. How can you keep track of your business – or your life, for that matter – without having “a place for everything and everything in its place”? Whether you back up your information electronically, save it in binders, store it in hanging folders, or throw things in a loose pile on the corner of your desk, when information is important you’re going to hang on to it.
Preparing an offer for the GSA is no different. You should have an organizational system that considers all aspects of your offer, potential revisions, and post-award documentation.
Step 1: Create a folder for printed documents. Most of your files should be electronic – but you’ll surely have to print something along the way.
Step 2: Create a folder on your computer to store information that you use for reference when compiling your GSA offer. This includes solicitation documents and offer response documents.
Step 3: Make sure everything is labeled correctly. Don’t be that person that needs to open every file to see what it is. They have names for a reason!
Step 4: As you revise documents, save them with a different file name than the original. Don’t replace original copies, ever.
Step 5: Once the offer is awarded you need to keep track of sales orders, invoices, receipts, etc. Create a system that works for you. All information regarding your GSA offer should be kept in a neat, easy-to-access place.
As a GSA Contract holder, you will be expected to keep all GSA related documents on hand for as long as you have the contract. Most GSA Contracts last for 20 years.
If you think your filing cabinets are full now, just wait! When the GSA comes knocking – yes, they will literally knock on your door at some point during the life of the contract – you better be ready to show them what the definition of “organization” really is.

-Steph Gowin

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Alliant Small Business II GWAC

Alliant Small Business governmentwide acquisition contact (GWAC) exercised its final option in February of this year, extending the contract until February 2, 2019 and the GSA is already hard at work, figuring out the direction of Alliant II Small Business.

Alliant is considered to be GSA’s premier small business information technology GWAC and helps provide the government with the largest pool of customized, cutting-edge IT solutions. Alliant has allowed for long-term planning of large, high tech IT projects, all the while making sure that small businesses are reaping the benefits of the innovation that they are creating.

Alliant II is already being discussed in detail on GSA Interact ( Important discussions about Product Service Codes and Labor Categories are already in happening. The GSA allows possible contractors to comment and discuss how Alliant II can improve on the original, taking those ideas and incorporating them into the RFP. If you are interested in Alliant II, make sure you get on GSA Interact and voice your opinion!

There hasn’t been a date set for the release of a draft RFP or an actual RFP but the GSA wants the input of small business to make sure that this GWAC is doing exactly what’s it meant to do!

For more information on GWACs in general, check out-
For more information on ALLIANT small business (current) -

For more information on ALLIANT II (upcoming)-

-Sonya Nudel